Christian Pieper started his professional career with the training as an IT specialist for system integration at a large IT service provider, where he gained sound knowledge in the administration of server systems and network components.
He then started to study Corporate and IT Security at Hochschule Offenburg. During his studies, he worked as a system administrator at Hochschule Offenburg’s Institute for Applied Research and was a tutor. His Bachelor’s thesis, which Christian Pieper wrote in cooperation with cirosec GmbH, was on the topic of “Creation of guidelines on the security assessment of IoT devices using the example of a smart alarm system”. He began the English-language Master’s degree program “Enterprise and IT Security” at Hochschule Offenburg in the winter semester 2017. In this context, he spent one semester at University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA. The topic of his Master’s thesis was the “Examination of technical security measures for cloud environments”.
Christian Pieper has been working as a consultant at cirosec GmbH since finishing his Master’s degree in 2019; he focuses on the security of AWS cloud environments and mainly carries out penetration tests of web applications, networks and services. Another field of activity is the security assessment of IoT devices.