If a request has no Authorization header, it is created with an empty string as value by a rewrite rule. The CSRF check is done by comparing the header value to null, meaning that the existing CSRF check is bypassed in this case. An attacker can, for example, create a new administrator account if the request is executed in the browser of an authenticated victim.
The vulnerability was acknowledged and fixed by OwnCloud within 4 weeks. We like to thank OwnCloud for the good cooperation and the fixing of the vulnerability.
CVSS Score
6.8 (CVSS v3)
CVSS Vector String
Affected Version
Versions ≤ 10.12
Fixed Version
10.13 with the fix.
Pascal Geuter
Vulnerability was found and report was submitted via HackerOne.
Vulnerability triaged by OwnCloud.
Vulnerability resolved.
Release of version 10.13.
Report was disclosed via HackerOne.