Secure communication

Secure Email Communication with cirosec

Email communication is an essential part of today’s business collaboration. Confidential information exchanged via email should be protected. To do so, we offer you different options when communicating with cirosec.

Email Security with S/MIME

We use certificates from Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH and occasional certificates from QuoVadis Global to secure email messages and email attachments with S/MIME. The certificates used from the QuoVadis root CA have already been integrated in many endpoints by the endpoint manufacturer; the certificates from Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH have not always been integrated by the endpoint manufacturer and therefore need to be integrated manually.

S/MIME Issuing Certificates (Quo Vadis)

Download page for all Quo Vadis certificates

QuoVadis Root CA 1 G3 (usually already available on the endpoint)
Fingerprint: 7858 5F2E AD2C 194B E337 0735 3413 28B5 96D4 6593

QuoVadis Swiss Advanced CA G4 (issuing CA of the certificates for cirosec)
Fingerprint: D52D B7B2 4067 7EAA 7154 D588 F74C BC1B FCCD A14E

S/MIME-Issuing Certificates

Downloadpage for Telekom certificates

T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2 (usually already available on the endpoint)
Fingerprint: 590D 2D7D 884F 402E 617E A562 3217 65CF 17D8 94E9

Telekom Security BusinessID SMIME CA 2023 (issuing CA of the certificates for cirosec)
Fingerprint: ED1F 89F5 4B69 53F0 5EE3 EE76 E53B CDF5 A8C0 E9BF

Certificate Validation

Endpoints and applications usually check the validity of our certificates using certificate revocation lists or an online certificate status protocol. Both are supported by the certificate authorities used from QuoVadis and Deutsche Telekom Security. The respective URLs of the QuoVadis CA are indicated on the download page for the certificates. The respective URLs of Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH are indicated at CA-Zertifikate in the “Details” of the CAs. 

Email Security with PGP

As an alternative to the S/MIME method, you can also use PGP. Unlike S/MIME, PGP is not based on a hierarchical infrastructure. For PGP, individuals or a certifying authority are instead trusted in order to verify a message’s authenticity. All messages from cirosec that are secured with PGP are certified by our “PGP Signer CA”.

Key of the cirosec PGP Signer CA

cirosec Signer CA
Fingerprint: DC49 FCAF 5236 BA5C C6EF 91DA 0990 3C63 02FE DCCD
Key ID: 0x02FEDCCD bzw. 0x09903C6302FEDCCD

cirosec Root Signer CA 02
Fingerprint A7D9 48E9 3A55 6400 F43A 800C 88E6 97DE 17A7 9C43
Key ID: 0x17A79C43 bzw. 0x88E697DE17A79C43

Publication of S/MIME Certificates and PGP Keys
To make the use of secure email with cirosec easier for you, we have published the relevant key information at On this website, you can search for email addresses of cirosec employees and download the relevant keys.

Contact and Further Information
If you have any questions on or problems with secure email communication, please contact us at

Do you want to protect your systems? Get in touch with us.
