
General Terms and Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions shall apply to all training events of cirosec GmbH.

1. Registration

(1) Registrations of participants for training events shall be taken into account by cirosec GmbH only when they are made in writing.

(2) The registering party shall have no claims against cirosec GmbH for acceptance of the registration, conclusion of a training agreement and granting of training places by cirosec GmbH.

(3) If registrations for trainings are confirmed by cirosec GmbH, confirmation of the training must be in written form to be legally binding.

(4) With the effective acceptance of the registration, a training agreement is concluded between the registering party and cirosec GmbH, taking into account the information in the registration and these General Terms and Conditions.

(5) The registering party shall be entitled to objectively send participants suited for the training at his/her discretion to participate in the training according to the number of training participants mentioned in the registration.

(6) In its fair judgement, cirosec GmbH shall be entitled to reject any participants who prove not to be suited for the training.

(7) Announcements of and invitations to training events by cirosec GmbH shall not give rise to any claims for participation in the respective event.

2. Training Fee

(1) The training fees stated by cirosec GmbH in the registration documents are indicated as net amounts, which are additionally subject to the statutory value-added tax applicable at the time of invoicing. The training fee includes training documents, beverages consumed during the event and lunch, provided that cirosec GmbH offers such services at training events. There shall be no claims for such services by the training participant.

(2) The claim of cirosec GmbH for payment of the training fee arises with the conclusion of the training agreement and shall be due upon the end of the training event.

(3) The registering party shall pay the training fee promptly and without any deduction to the indicated bank account upon receipt of the invoice.

(4) In the event of late payment, cirosec GmbH shall be entitled to claim default interest of at least 5% above the base interest rate according to section 288 of the German Civil Code (BGB).

(5) Any offset against claims of cirosec GmbH shall only be valid with legally asserted claims. This shall also apply to exercising any right of retention (also from section 369 of the German Commercial Code (HGB)).

3. Cancellation by the Registering Party or Participant

(1) In the event of cancellation of a registration up to two weeks prior to the beginning of the training, an administration fee of €120 plus applicable VAT shall be paid for each cancelled participant of a registration.

(2) In the event of cancellation of a registration up to one week prior to the beginning of the training, 50% of the training fee shall be paid for each cancelled participant of a registration.

(3) In the event of cancellation of a registration of less than one week prior to the beginning of the training, 100% of the training fee shall be paid for each cancelled participant of a registration.

(4) The registering party may provide a substitute participant at any time.

(5) Further statutory claims of cirosec GmbH against the registering party on the occasion of participation cancellation shall remain unaffected.

(6) Cancellations shall be made in writing to be effective.

4. Cancellation by cirosec GmbH

(1) cirosec GmbH shall be entitled to cancel a training event due to a number of participants deemed too low at its fair judgement up to 14 days prior to the beginning of the training. In the event of cancellation of a training by cirosec GmbH, whatever the reason, the participant is not entitled to any claims against cirosec GmbH for the reason of cancellation, particularly claims for damages or claims for participation in an alternative training event.

(2) There shall be no claim for compensation by cirosec GmbH regarding any cancelled events.

5. Storage and processing of personal data and information

(1) Processing of personal data, such as the name, address, email address or phone number of a respective person, shall always take place in line with the General Data Protection Regulation and in accordance with the country-specific data protection regulations applicable to cirosec GmbH.

(2) Personal data gathered because of a registration for an event or a training or the visit of a trade fair booth or the like shall only be stored and used within cirosec GmbH. We add this data to our mailing lists in order to keep the respective persons up to date about the latest developments.

6. Other

(1) It is strictly prohibited to copy any documents provided by cirosec GmbH to the participant on the occasion of any training as well as is taking away any copies of such documents from the training location.

(2) The registering party shall be liable to cirosec GmbH for compliance with the provision of the foregoing paragraph (1) also for third parties that the registering party sends to participate in the training.

(3) Any violation of these General Terms and Conditions by the registering party and by one of his/her registered participants commits the registering party to provide compensation for any damages.

(4) In the event of total or partial invalidity of one or several clauses of these General Terms and Conditions, the effectiveness of any other clauses of these General Terms and Conditions and of the training contract shall remain unaffected.

(5) The court of jurisdiction shall be Heilbronn.

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